Alena Allegretti
17 (Almost)
Grade: Senior
Personality: Creative, intelligent, and athletic, Alena is the ideal woman for any task. If a challenge keeps her interest, she will complete it without fail. Her gruff attitude keeps those around her in check, but a sense of humor and unyielding loyalty keep her friends close at hand. As a strategist, she is crafty and fluid, while as a fighter she is fiery and energetic. In other words, smart money is always on her side.
Power: Precognitive Visions. Short-range visions are usually easily averted, giving the impression of lightning-fast reflexes. Longer-range visions are still being developed.

Travis Gates
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
Personality: Travis wants only one thing in life: to be loved by his friends – a wish that they happily contribute to. His drive to be kind to everyone is to be admired, and it has been rewarded with a bond of friendship shared by nearly every person he has ever met. Oddly, he sometimes slips into a sort of depression that leaves him wondering if he has done enough to help others and questioning his own self-worth, a state that leaves his friends quite worried for him. These phases, however, are off put by times of great joy on his part, which are quite infectious and welcome.
Power: Empathy. By coming into direct contact with other people’s genetic flaw, he can duplicate their power. The full effect and potential of this power has yet to be measured.
Jeff "Sibbie" Sibulkin
Age: 19
Grade: Alum
Personality: The first word in everyone’s mind when thinking of Sibbie is usually “adorable”. He has a personality as sweet as a kitten, which can sometimes become a problem, as he occasionally will ignore the law of man in his endeavors to have a good time. These oversights are always with his friends’ best interests in mind, and he would never, though action or apathy, allow his fellow man to suffer needlessly. With these facts in mind, his plans will often be carried out for their inherent safety and excitement.
Power: Bodily Repair. Sibbie’s hands release an energy that aids the body in finding its correct and natural state. When he places his palm over a wound, regardless of severity, it will almost instantly heal completely. Two drawbacks exist, however. First, he cannot revive the dead, and second, he cannot heal himself.
Matt Bradley
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Personality: Dark and brooding, Matt is a pessimist born. He can be counted on to provide exactly the insight needed to ruin one’s day, even if the insight isn’t necessarily true. He claims to have no soul, and will gladly tell you how he intends to remove your own. Ironically, he is very inactive by nature and never acts on his threats. Claims that this is due to laziness are accepted, though people suspect that deep down, he is really an okay guy.
Power: Pyrokinesis. Matt can create fire in his hands and then mentally control it into both beautiful shapes and deadly projections. Unfortunately, he is not resistant to heat, and using the power burns him terribly.
Lin Staples
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Personality: Bubbly and perpetually positive, Lin is the epitome of optimism. A conversation with her will inevitably make one smile. Her energy is considerable, and as such she will often break into odd rambles that some find very irritating. Despite this, a feeling of contentment seems to follow her, which makes her the unspoken (usually) object of many a man’s fancy. Her romantic relationship with Matt Bradley is a conundrum that their friends have long since stopped pondering.
Power: Speed. Lin can move at speeds rivaling, and perhaps surpassing that of a drag racer. It has been theorized that she can perhaps break the sound barrier, though this has yet to be proven.
Brad Jenkins:
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Personality: Creative and impulsive, Brad exemplifies the bizarre. He has the ability to make connections between the most unlikely of subjects, which, combined with a mental library of useless pop culture facts, cause his thoughts to appear random to the point of chaos. As such, he can talk circles around people if he wants to, though his words will make little sense. He puts these skills into writing short stories and scripts, and his goal in life is to become an independent filmmaker. His friendship with Travis is the stuff of legend.
Power: Omnipresence. Brad can focus his mind and simultaneously see everything within a 100-foot radius, no matter where it is hidden. Unlike with Alena’s perception abilities, he cannot move while using his power and as such cannot react to any attack he sees coming.
Audrey Grieve
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Personality: If the third millennium and the 1960’s ever had a child, Audrey would be her. A defender of every liberal cause there is from homosexuality, to animal rights, to environmental protection, she exemplifies all that was groovy of the hippie movement. Luckily, she practices the more healthy aspects of modern living, and is happily separated from the more seedy details of the flower power lifestyle. An outspoken bisexual herself, her absolute unwillingness to ignore the injustices of the world makes her an icon for those too timid to speak out. This is not to suggest that she feels that she is on a pedestal, as she will always be willing to sit down and watch a good anime with her friends.
Power: Chlorokinesis. Audrey can command plants to grow as she pleases, creating both lovely living bouquets and threatening, Ent-like tree titans. She has also demonstrated a limited healing ability for plants, though it is nowhere near as potent as Jeff Sibulkin’s regenerative abilities. It has been suggested that some plants may resist her control, but only time and careful experimentation will prove this.
Zack O’Keefe:
Age: 15
Grade: Sophomore
Personality: Enduring and resistant to insult, Zack can always take a joke in stride. His slight tendency to be overzealous when engaged in conversation is undeniable, but he can typically take a hint and backs off willingly. This flaw stems from a wish to be the best guy he can be for everyone, and as such his loyalty is astonishing. When he is confronted with an argument, he will debate it passionately, often stubbornly brooding over the matter long after most of his peers have given up.
Power: Molecular Reconfiguration. Zack can rearrange the molecules any solid matter he comes into contact with. Simply by touching an object, he can force it to take a new shape. Two restrictions exist with this power. One, the object must be made of one constant element or molecular compound, meaning that he cannot change a complex machine or multi-layered object. Two, the mass and chemical construct of the resulting shape must be the same as the original substance.
Jason "Fraz" Frazier
Age: 19
Grade: Alum
Personality: Jason is the calm voice of reason in a sea of chaos. Gentle, insightful, and logical, he is always there to comfort his friends and provide helpful advice. Though his wit is scathing when unleashed, he usually keeps it reigned in, opting to be the quiet, kind, and book-smart member of the group. He is also the only guy with enough patience and sanity to deal with his girlfriend, Alena, and her many neurotic tendencies. A romantic at heart, Jason often pursues literature and foreign languages, in addition to his study of psychology.
Power: Illusions. Jason can project illusions of alternate realities into the mind of others. His radius of influence, however, is limited, and he can only affect so many people at a time, and only for so long.

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